Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Adventure Continues!


Lots of life changes for me in the past several months, with the largest being leaving my job at Kroll Factual Data and starting a new on at Magpul Industries!

There have been lots of changes (some good, some not so good) happening at KFD.  Then, in April, my boss at the time (and very good friend) announced that he was retiring. I knew then it was time to re-evaluate my professional life.

In comes Magpul: almost exactly at the same time, I am trading messages with a friend at Magpul.  He arranges for me to interview for Director of Information Technology position, and a few days after leaving KFD - whamo! - new job!

Magpul is such an exciting company to be working for right now.  They have a great company culture and values.  I am blessed to be offered the opportunity to help them get to the next level with the technology infrastructure!

Hopefully with this new change means more opportunities to blog again.  We'll see how the coming weeks work out.  I can share with you that it has been a BUSY couple of weeks since I have started.